Grupa LOTOS S.A. Annual Report 2008
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Contractual maturities of financial liabilities as at December 31st 2007
PLN ‘000 Note Carrying value Contractual
cash flows
Up to 6 months 6–12 months 1–2 years 2–5 years Over 5 years
Financial liabilities other than under financial derivatives 32 2,580,463 2,580,463 1,689,259 47,632 66,479 674,884 102,209
Secured bank loans (other than overdraft facilities) 30 912,245 912,245 24,752 44,550 65,850 674,884 102,209
Overdraft facilities 30 447,891 447,891 447,891 - - - -
Finance lease liabilities 32 1,628 1,628 - 999 629 - -
Trade and other payables 33 1,222,473 1,222,473 1,216,616 2,083 1,546 1,337 891
Financial liabilities – financial derivatives 32 3,906 3,906 3,906 - - - -
Total   2,588,143 2,588,143 1,693,165 47,632 68,025 676,221 103,100