32. Other (Financial) Liabilities, Accruals and Deferred Income

PLN ‘000 Dec 31 2008 Dec 31 2007
(audited) (audited)
Negative valuation of financial derivatives, including: 218,526 3,906
- commodity swaps (raw materials and petroleum products) 7,910 740
- futures (CO2 emissions) 1 251
- currency forward and spot contracts 28,329 2,915
- currency options 5,020 -
- FRAs 1,733 -
- interest rate swaps (IRS) 175,533 -
Lease liabilities 1,415 1,628
Deferred income, including: 4,245 4,920
- subsidies 3,885 4,527
Accruals and deferred income 38 -
Other liabilities, including: 4,824 3,774
- to related undertakings 1,649 984
Total financial liabilities 229,048 14,228
Non-current liabilities 9,961 9,323
Current liabilities 219,087 4,905

Finance lease liabilities

PLN ‘000 Minimum lease payments Present value of  minimum lease payments
Up to 1 year 756 561
1 year to 5 years 926 854
Over 5 years - -
Total 1,682 1,415
Less future financial charges 267 -
Present value of  minimum lease payments 1,415 1,415
Current portion 756 561
Non-current portion 926 854